Trade Staff

Trade members, moderators, and owners earn their rank by being active on the chat.

You must follow all rules, users who often break rules and complain that they’re not getting member, or temp-moderator will not be considered, because in order to become one, you have to enforce rules on the chat, and follow the rules yourself.

How to become a Member

The more you follow those rules below, you will be noticed, and in time might become a member! You will get promoted by showing determination, and your level of maturity.

  1. Do not ask for rank.
  2. Follow all the rules that the Trade chat has.
  3. Be active (Doesn’t mean you have to be here everyday, at least 2 hours a day works. Remember it’s quality, not quantity).
  4. Enforce rules as much as you can to show that you’re helping.
  5. Try to report scams and broken rules to moderators and/or owners.
Namexat UserRank
CountryKaayKaay (131313)Main Owner
CountrySydnoSydno (220711)Main Owner
CountryAdeiAde (22M)Owner
CountryCupimCupim (11011)Owner (Volunteer)
CountryJhonJhon (121997)Owner
CountryCrowcrow (1994)Moderator (Volunteer)
CountryJoozJOOZ (20142014)Moderator
CountryLemoLemo (1466124961)Moderator
CountryLemonaLemona (220341852)Moderator
CountryMattMatt (1519385625)Moderator
CountryMayeMaye (1300000)Moderator
CountryMidoMid0 (316896584)Moderator
CountryViberViber (400100633)Member

Staff Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the most common questions staff members may have. If you are interested in becoming a moderator or already are one, read the information below.

If you are unsure on how to handle something or are unsure if the reported incident violates any of the rules, tell the user you will handle their report and private chat an owner or another moderator, who will help you deal with the report. You may also refer to Trade’s moderator guide.

Ensure there is sufficient proof, some of the screenshots must include the ID and regname of the scammer and the Trade App. If more proof is required, ask the user to take new screenshots that include the missing proof. Once you have everything you need to determine if the report is legitimate, thank the user.

If you are 100% sure it is a scam or attempted scam, ban the scammer for 24 hours and ask the reporter to open a ticket (you can open a ticket for them if they prefer, but make sure you both don’t open one). Include the proof in the ban if YOU don’t open a ticket.

If you are unsure if the incident is a scam/attempted scam or not, private chat an owner or fellow moderator and send them the proof. You can also consult events and see if the reported user has been banned before for scamming.

If the report doesn’t contain enough proof or isn’t a scam/attempted scam, still thank the user but do not take any action.

Never ban someone for saying something in another language if you don’t know what it means in english. Take a screenshot of the statement/words in question and see if any trade staff online can translate it. If none of the online staff can translate it, try plugging the words into google translate. If no translation appears on google translate (which happens when something is misspelled or slang), try and find a staff member on another official chat, like Help or Chat, who has the ability to translate it for you.

Follow the steps below.

1 – Add the user using the /f command.

2 – Click on them in your friends list and open their private chat.

3 – Click on their name in your private chat and you will see the option to ban them.

Have a question that isn’t listed here? Check if it’s on the Moderator’s Guide, or ask a staff member!

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